Sprachinstitut Berlin

11 Apr 2016

5 Easy Ways to Study Vocabulary

Vocabulary learning is difficult in any language. It is not possible to communicate without words in a language, German, English or any other. But many people have problems to memorize vocabulary. This is why we give you the 5 most important tipps to study vocabulary.

Tip 1: Index Cards

In order to learn vocabulary correctly, read the vocabulary, note it down and say it out loud. This allows you to address different senses and you will be able to remember the vocabulary better. Now turn the card over and write down the translation. If you are unsure about the meaning, while studying, you can always turn the card over and read it.

Tip 2: Post-its

Use Post-Its to learn vocabulary in your home. Where can you use your time to learn some vocabulary? While brushing your teeth in front of the mirrow, or while waiting next to the coffee machine? Try out different locations and post 3-5 vocabulary on one place. This way you will quickly realize that you are making progress.

Tip 3: Order Your Vocabulary

Topics that relate vocabulary together will support you in remembering these. Should you, for example learn vocabulary on the topic “house”, combine these with vocabulary like “window”, “door”, “garden”.

Tip 4: Sentences

“The house has a garden. The house has eight windows.” You have learned vocabulary with a correlation. Now you need to build full sentences with this vocabulary. For languages with articles, it is important to include these in the learning process.

Tip 5: Games

A good game to use vocabulary is Memory. Write the vocabulary on cards, one card for the vocabulary and one for the translation. Mix cards after you have written down vocabulary and translation and place cards faced downwards. Now you can look under 2 cards at a time. If they don’t match, you have to turn them back facing downwards. Try to play this game with your friends and practice together. There even is a website to study english vocabulary playfully.

Vocabulix and DeutschTraining are further websites to study german Vocabulary. For English try out Vokabel.org or the OnlineVokabeltrainer.


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